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Awesome! That's always the best response - thanks for supporting the game, Maurice.

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This looks so good!

I love it when game devs incorporate their humour and take on past games into their own tributes!

Also, a table made entirely out of books sounds like a fire hazard waiting to happen, but also the centrepiece to the best tavern in the world. Looking forward to this one!

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I wish the demo would let me play with those design elements, but it appears to be in beta testing. What I didn't add is that they plan to have a community platform where people can share their designs. So even if you don't want to make fire hazards yourself, you'll find ones from others players!

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Ooo I always love it when devs include a way to share and browse community creative projects!

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Yeah, I hope it takes off. It does look like they've built a nice fan base, so maybe this will be a big deal!

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